
刊讯 | ESCI收录期刊Cognitive Semantics书评征稿启事

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Cognitive Semantics 刊讯



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Boas, Hans C.. Directions for Pedagogical Construction Grammar: Learning and Teaching (with) Constructions, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110746723

About this book

How can insights from Construction Grammar (CxG) be applied to foreign language learning (FLL) and foreign language teaching (FLT)? This volume explores several aspects of Pedagogical Construction Grammar, with a specific look at issues relevant to second language acquisition, FLL, and FLT. The contributions in this volume discuss a wide range of constructions, as well as different resources, methodologies, and data used to learn constructions in the language classroom. More specifically, they seek to provide answers to the following questions: What do new constructional approaches to teaching and learning foreign language look like that take the insights of CxG seriously? What should electronic resources using constructions and semantic frames for foreign language instruction look like? How should constructions (pairings of form with meaning/function) in the foreign language classroom be introduced? What role does frequency play in learning constructions in the language classroom? What types of strategies does CxG offer to facilitate the acquisition of a second language? This volume is relevant for anyone interested in second language acquisition, foreign language pedagogy, Construction Grammar, and Cognitive Linguistics.

For more information, please visit the website with a browser: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110746723/html

Author information

Hans C. Boas, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA.


Piquer-Píriz, Ana María and Alejo-González, Rafael. Metaphor in Foreign Language Instruction, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110630367

About this book

Exploring the role that metaphor plays in our linguistic and conceptual systems from a Cognitive Linguistics (CL)-oriented perspective has attracted a great deal of attention for the past three decades. The analysis of the applications of some theoretical tenets of CL (mainly the notion of linguistic motivation) has been particularly fruitful in foreign language (L2) instruction. However, despite some important research findings related to the presentation of word meanings as systematically connected, metaphor is still rarely included as an important part of language courses designed for L2 learners.

This volume explores the important role of metaphor in L2 instruction by presenting both theoretical accounts and empirical studies into the topic. Part I comprises four theoretical chapters that touch upon issues of continuing relevance to the discipline (e.g. why metaphor is relevant for L2 learners and how it can be effectively taught) and introduce areas in need of further research (metaphor in L2 instruction in languages other than English or metaphor and young L2 learners). Part II consists of eight empirical studies that illustrate methodological challenges and best practices when analyzing metaphor in real L2 contexts.

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Author information

Ana María Piquer-Píriz and Rafael Alejo-González, Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain.


Schröder, Ulrike, Mendes de Oliveira, Milene and Tenuta, Adriana Maria. Metaphorical Conceptualizations: (Inter)Cultural Perspectives, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110688306

About this book

The book deals with the important shift that has been heralded in cognitive linguistics from mere universal matters to cultural and situational variation. The discussions examine cognitive and cultural linguistics’ theories in relation to the following areas of research: (i) metaphorical conceptualization; (ii) the influence of culture on metaphor, metonymy and conceptual blends; (iii) the impact of culture and cognition on metaphorical lexis; (iv) the interface of pragmatics and cognition when metaphor is studied in situ, that is, in face-to-face as well as in virtual multimodal interaction; (v) the application of insights from metaphorical conceptualizations to language teaching, and (vi) recent methods for revealing (inter)cultural metaphorical conceptualizations (corpus-based approaches, gesture studies, etc.). The book brings together cognitive, functional, and (inter)cultural approaches.

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Author information

Ulrike Schröder and Adriana Maria Tenuta, Univ. Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Milene Mendes de Oliveira, Universität Potsdam.


H. Ladewig, Silva. Integrating Gestures: The Dimension of Multimodality in Cognitive Grammar, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110668568

About this book

Gestures are now viewed as an integral part of spoken language. But little attention has been paid to the recipients’ cognitive processes of integrating both gesture and speech. How do people understand a speaker’s gestures when inserted into gaps in the flow of speech? What cognitive-semiotic mechanisms allow this integration to occur? And what linguistic and gestural properties do people draw on when construing multimodal meaning? This book offers answers by investigating multimodal utterances in which speech is replaced by gestures. Through fine-grained cognitive-linguistic and cognitive-semiotic analyses of multimodal utterances combined with naturalistic perception experiments, six chapters explore gestures’ potential to realize grammatical notions of nouns and verbs and to integrate with speech by merging into multimodal syntactic constructions. Analyses of speech-replacing gestures and a range of related phenomena compel us to consider gestures as well as spoken and signed language as manifestations of the same conceptual system. An overarching framework is proposed for studying these different modalities together – a multimodal cognitive grammar. 

For more information, please visit the website with a browser:


Author information

Silva H. Ladewig, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder).


Bressem, Jana. Repetitions in Gesture: A Cognitive-Linguistic and Usage-Based Perspective, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110697902

About this book

Repetitive sequences play a major role as a pattern-building device and are a basic syntagmatic linguistic means on all language levels in spoken and signed languages. Little attention has been paid to investigating them in multimodal language use. Do gestures exhibit different types of repetitive sequences? Do they build complex units based on these types and if so, how is the pattern building to be described? How is the interrelation of gestural and spoken units in such complex units? Is it possible to identify repetitive patterns that are comparable to spoken and signed languages and/or patterns specific to the gestural modality? 

Based on a corpus-analysis of multimodal usage-events, 7 chapters explore gestural repetitions with regard to their structure, semantic and syntactic relevance for multimodal utterances, and cognitive saliency. Fine-grained cognitive-linguistic analyses of multimodal usage events reveal that gestural repetitions are not only a basic principle of building patterns in spoken and signed languages, but also in gestures. By addressing questions of mediality and multimodality of language-in-use, the book contributes to the investigation of repetition as a fundamental means of sign and meaning construction (crosscutting modalities) and enhances the understanding of the multimodal character of language in use.

For more information, please visit the website with a browser:


Author information

Jana Bressem, University of Technology, Chemnitz.


Hijazo-Gascón, Alberto. Moving Across Languages: Motion Events in Spanish as a Second Language, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110721072

About this book

The book analyzes the complex relationship between languages in the bilingual mind with a focus on motion event typology and the acquisition of Spanish as a second language (L2).

The author starts out by examining L1 patterns which are transferred to less complex L2 systems. The data discussed was elicited by German learners of Spanish. A similar transfer is observed when L1 is typologically and genetically close, as in the case of French and Italian learners of Spanish. Furthermore, the author clarifies the relevance of intra-typological differences within the same linguistic family, including important differences in the lexicalization patterns of Italian with respect to French and Spanish.

The findings contribute to our understanding of the field of motion event typology and thinking-for-speaking. The book demonstrates that conceptual transfer is present in different aspects of the motion lexicalization domain. Interestingly, there are some challenging aspects both for speakers whose first language is typologically different and for those whose language is typologically close. The book offers suggestions on how these challenges in the restructuring of meaning in L2 can be addressed in language teaching. Specifically, pedagogical translation and mediation present promising pathways to the strengthening of semantic competences in the L2.

For more information, please visit the website with a browser:


Author information

Alberto Hijazo-Gascón; University of East Anglia; Norwich; United Kingdom.


Bagli, Marco. Tastes We Live By: The Linguistic Conceptualisation of Taste in English, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110630404

About this book

Taste is considered one of the lowest sensory modalities, and the most difficult to express in language. Recently, an increasing body of research in perception language and in Food Studies has been sparkling new interest and new perspectives on the importance of this sense. Merging anthropology, evolutionary physiology and philosophy, this book investigates the language of Taste in English, and its relationship with our embodied minds.

In the first part of the book, the author explores the semantic dimensions of Taste terms with a usage-based approach. With the application of experimental protocols, Bagli enquires their possible organization in a radial network and calculates the Salience index of gustatory terms in both American and British English. The second part of the book is an overview of the metaphorical extensions that motivate the polysemy of Taste terms, with the aid of corpus analysis methods and various texts.

This book is the first to review systematically and in a usage-based perspective the role of the sensory domain of Taste in English, showing a more complicated picture and suggesting that its under-representation and difficulty of encoding does not correspond to lack of importance.

For more information, please visit the website with a browser:


Author information

Marco Bagli, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy.


刊讯 | Cognitive Semantics征稿启事

喜讯| Cognitive Semantics入选ESCI数据库

新书推介 |《认知语义学基础理论十讲》(李福印、刘娜编著)

会议回顾 | 首届语言学学术争鸣与理论创新研讨会精彩回放!

版权方:Cognitive Semantics




Cognitive Semantics


Fuyin (Thomas) Li (Beihang University, China)


George Lakoff (University of California at Berkeley, USA)

Ronald W. Langacker (University of California at San Diego, USA)

Leonard Talmy (State University of New York at Buffalo, USA)









