
我织我在:2016第二届杭州纤维艺术三年展 | 展览结构

2016-07-22 添加▷ 杭州纤维艺术三年展




Weaving & We:2016 Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art

August 25th - October 25th, 2016

Venues: Zhejiang Art Museum, China National Silk Museum,

Museum of China Academy of Art

希拉·习克斯,色彩的大使,装置,2015-2016;摄影:CristobalZañartu,Artworkby Sheila 

Sheila Hicks, Embassy of Chromatic Delegates, installation, 2015-2016, Photo by Cristobal Zañartu





策展人:刘潇、许嘉、阿萨杜尔·马克洛夫(Assadour Markarov )





Co-organizers: Zhejiang Art Museum, Research Institute of Art Tapestry Varbanov(CAA),China National Silk Museum, CAA Art MuseumOrganizers: Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture, Publicity Department of CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee, China Academy of Art (CAA)

Exhibition Director: Si Shunwei

ArtisticDirector: Shi Hui

Curators: Liu Xiao, Xu Jia, Assadour Markarov

In September 2016, Hangzhou – an ancient silk andglobal city –holds the second Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art. Once again aninternational dialogue is created between disciplines, geographies andpeople.  The Triennial stages this dialoguefrom a fiber art’s perspective both chronologically and on a grand scale.


In 2013, the first Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Artattracted over 150 thousand visitors and artists from more than 16 countries. For the first time audiences in China had an opportunity to learn about modernfiber art. At the time of the Second Hangzhou Triennial the G20 Summit willtake place. Running concurrently, these two international events will run inparallel.  Two global visions convergetogether with the creative vitality of the art works on display.





编织是一种独特的劳作方式,仅仅凭借其材料和技术,便构成一部历史。这一进程中不断产生新的技术和新的知识,身为编织者的我们的感知能力也在发生变化。这个“我们”不仅仅指代生活的个体,也包括群体和地方。在柏拉图的《政治家篇》中,他将编织作为君主般的艺术(Kingship art)。编织引向营造/织造,则是建构一个群体甚至社会系统的方式。本次展览的主题“我织我在” ,以编织这个最日常、最朴素的语言连接起地方、产业等相关社会领域。


Exhibition Overview

The second Triennial has a distinctive theme ,“Weaving & We”, a startingpoint for curators and artists.


‘Weaving’ is a  special practice. It is embedded in narrative. It tells stories that combine a history of textilelabor and production with human experience. It tells these stories with rawmaterials and advanced technology. Technology changes at a fast pace  and so to does the  knowledge and perceptions of weavers aroundthe world, as individuals, groups and regions..


The exhibition has four sections which represent the research ofcurators. The artists selected echo Weaving & We from a numbers ofdifferent positions and perspectives.


Tali Weinberg, Bodieson the Line, installation, 2013-2016




Needles &Proverbs

Needles can  serve the functionof languages. In traditional Chinese, “针” - the Chinese character of “needle”, has the same pronunciation as “箴”, which means “proverb.”  In Chinese, the word “needle” sharesthe meaning of proverb without an implication of gender. Whether the long bamboo needle forweaving and knitting, or the crewel needles for embroidery, all needles have the metaphor ofadmonition. In both Chinese and Western cultures, fine needles are connected to languages. They represent thesensation of the human body, the activation and revival of humanity, the cultivation and self-reflection of soul,and a prophecy of the future.




The concepts of weaving and human body are intertwined; textiles ofdifferent materials, including wool, hemp, silk, and cotton, give humans unique and special bodysensation. Weaving is not only a protection for the body but it also serves asa symbol of feelings and identity.It also represents memory and history.Textiles encompass cultural diversity, representing many different people, ideas and regions across the world.


Hew Locke, Amphitrite (detail), beads onred velvet, 343x280cm, 2012



Weaving &Form

Weaving is both a two-dimensional fabric and a method ofthree-dimensional shaping. It also displaysthe techniques and the experimental characteristics of modern fiber art. It has inspired many conceptualtransformations but always connected to social reality. Weaving not only has many different behaviors of weaving but can constructs many differentconcepts like constructing, building” andperspective.




The manufacturing process of weaving is technologically, socially andculturally. Weaving originated in people homes, developed in small workshops that transformedlocal industries to finally become global factories. Weaving also raises many questions aboutlabor, production and consumption, it is about individual workers and well as the many who work inenterprises and groups, cooperatives and collectives.


Specific Units:Documents and Education


与英国策展人格兰特·沃森(Grant Watson)的合作项目,项目由英国INIVA机构支持。


Social Textile

A collaborative project withBritish curator Grant Watson, supported by INIVA.



与波兰策展人米哈尔·贾库拉(Michal Jachula)合作。

The Rising and Glorious Periods of Polish Fiber Art: Fiber Art Education in Poland in1950-1980

The collaborative project with  Polish curator Michal Jachula.




The Story of Embroidery:How SmallSkill of Needlework Enters the History of Painting, including Song Embroidery

The story of embroidery of Liang Xuefang and her mother whoare bothembroiderers in Zhenhu, Suzhou




Peony Project:Peony and Textile

“Her robe ismade of cloud, her face of flowers made, Caressed by vernal breeze, freshenedby morning dew”. ——Li Bai (Poet fromTang Dynasty)

Based on thepsychological impressions and memories of peonies, the use on textilereveals the pattern transformations from ancientChina to our daily lifeand culture nowadays.


Hu Xiaoyaun, I Don’t Know How Long You’ve BeenWalking On and I Don’t Know Where You’re Going , Video installation, 2010









International workshop titled “World Wide Weaving”– SeedBank of Crafts

Weaving Globally, Metaphorically and Locally – Startingfrom Hangzhou


World Wide Weaving is an arena for investigation. It will beheld for the sixth time in the autumn 2016 -- this time in collaboration with the Fiber ArtDepartment of China Academy of Art and Department of Textile Art of OsloAcademy of Art.


Weaving is one of the oldest crafts inhuman cultures, along with knitting and pottery. Ancient textile remains havebeen found in all parts of the world. But textiles are more than merely interwoven materials. As means of exchange and trade, and with theirpotential to communicate complex layers of social meaning, textiles aredirectly related to the fabric of social life.


协办单位: Mill6 Foundation


三年展期间将举办“织物式思考”(Textile Thinking)国际研讨会,邀请了国际著名学者萨拉·马哈拉吉(Sarat Maharaj)作“通过织物去思考”的主题演讲;马哈拉吉教授与织物相关的思考始于上世纪八十年代,从物质以及图像的角度,勾勒出织物可以作为艺术生产和文化表征,以及通过织物进行的创作作为知识生产方式。此次讲座将是马哈拉吉第一次在亚洲国家将织物话题放到展览相关的平台上。


研讨会分为多个专场展开:博物馆专场:纤维艺术的收藏与研究;研究者的工作:纤维艺术的语境和语义;纤维艺术绘图之中国经验,以及策展人与艺术家对话。主讲人包括杰西卡·海明斯(Jessica Hemmings)英国研究学者、作者,都柏林艺术与设计学院视觉艺术学院院长及教授;奥布松壁挂美术馆首席策展人布鲁诺·提耶(Bruno Ythier);杭间,国际设计博物馆馆长,杭州;张西美,织物教育家、研究者及写作者;香港六厂基金会总监李安琪,台湾艺术策展人及作家罗秀芝,波兰纤维艺术史研究者玛塔·科娃斯卡(Marta Kowalwska)等。展览期间,还将举行多场艺术家讲座。

Textile Thinking:International Symposium/Lectures

Co-organizer: Mill6 Foundation


An International symposium called “Textile Thinking" includes a keynote by ProfessorSarat Maharaj, the internationally known curator and scholar. It is first timethat Professor Maharaj has given a presentation on this theme in Asia. Maharaj’sresearch and writing on textiles date back to 1980s andhe sees artists’ works as a form of knowledge production through textiles.


Centering on the theme“Weaving & We”, the Triennial willlaunch a series of topics concerning fiber art in the past and at present fordiscussion, including Museum collections and researches onfiber art; Researchers’s Works: The Contexts and Pragmatics of Fiber Art; Fiber Art Cartography: Experiencein China and panel discussions among curators, critics and artists. The speakersincludes Jessica Hemmings, writer and curator, Professor of Visual Culture andHead of the School of Visual Culture at the National College of Art &Design, Dublin; Bruno Ythier, Chief curator of Conservateur de laCite de la Tapisserie, Aubusson; Hang Jian, Director of International DesignMuseum, Hangzhou; Edith Cheung Sai May, textile educator, consultant, researcherand writer; Angelika Li, Director of MILL6 Foundation, Hong Kong; Sandy Hsiu-chihLo, curator and writer from Taiwan, China; Marta Kowlewska, curator and writer on textile art history from Warsaw. During the triennial, we will organize series of lectures and workshops.


Liang Shaoji, Moon Garden, installation, 2016




本届三年展期间还将推出平行展—— “云上雲” 纤维艺术家梁绍基个展。梁绍基的作品以生命为要核,以生物为媒介,并与自然互动而著称。他静坐于乡野山巅,顿悟镜中云幻,以此来化解浮华世间的骚动不安。展览将在中国美术学院美术馆举办。作为中国美术学院早期毕业生,这也是他第一次将个展搬回自己的母校。


Solo Exhibition: Liang Shaoji


Liang Shaoji’ssolo exhibition, “Cloud above Cloud” willbe hosted at the same time with the Triennial CAA Museum. For the firsttime this  early graduate from China Academy of Art will hold an exhibition in his Alma Mater. Liang’sworks are renowned for interactions with nature.  They are drawn from life as core and livingcreatures as media.




阿什穆·阿卢瓦利亚(Ashim Ahluwalia),法比奥·拉塔兹·安第诺瑞(Fabio Lattanzi Antinori ),山上建筑/陈浩如,维克托·阿斯留克(Victor Asliuk),罗塞拉·比斯科蒂(Rossella Biscotti),林·卡特(Lyn Carter),陈界仁,程晓芳,席琳·康多里(Celine Condorelli),爱丽丝·克莱肖尔(Alice Creischer),大卫·克鲁克&伊丽莎白·克鲁克(David & Elisabeth Crook),沃兹米尔兹·西根(Włodzimierz Cygan),戈弗莱德·邓科(Godfried Donkor),郭耀先,娥冷·鲁鲁安(安圣惠),玛德琳娜·福赛拉&圣地亚哥·博加(Maddalena Forcella & Santiago Borja),杰里米·戈比(Jérémy Gobé),阿卡纳·汉德(Archana Hande),皮特·海森(Petter Hellsing),希拉·习克斯(Sheila Hicks),何翔宇,胡晓媛,惠干源,詹尼斯·杰弗里斯(Janis Jefferies),金守子(Kimsooja),玛利亚·赖(Maria Lai),李磊,梁雪芳&马惠荣,刘北立,刘佳婧,刘韡,修·洛克(Hew Locke),克劳迪娅·罗西(Claudia Losi),卢袁炯,安贾尼·蒙泰罗和K.P.贾雅桑卡(Anjali Monteiro & K.P.Jayasankar),奥斯卡·穆里洛(Oscar Murrilo),纽曼小组(Numen / For Use ),普拉巴卡· 帕克普特(Prabakhar Pachpute),苏蒂尔·帕特沃丹(Sudhir Patwardhan),阿德里那·珀尼德尔瓦(Adelina Popnedeleva),汉斯·哈米德·拉斯姆森(Hans Hamid Rasmussen),威廉·德·诺伊(Willem De Rooij),沃伊切赫·塞德累(Wojciech Sadley),伊斯米尼·萨马尼多&西蒙·巴克尔(Ismini Samanidou & Simon Barker),玛格达·萨雅格(Magda Sayeg),梁西贡(Leang Seckon),沈烈毅,安德烈亚斯·席克曼(Andreas Siekmann),铃木纯子(Junko Suzuki),田中秀穗(Hideho Tanaka),利西亚·丹妮·特劳顿(Lycia Danielle Trouton),海蒂·芙欧特(Heidi Voet),王志鹏&傅冬霆,塔里·温伯格(Tali Weinberg),欧托里斯小组(The Otolith Group),佩·怀特(Pae White),许江&袁柳军,张永和/非常建筑。


Ashim Ahluwalia, Fabio Lattanzi Antinori, Atelier Chen Hao Ru, Victor Asliuk, Rossella Biscotti, Lyn Carter, Yung Ho Chang/FCJZ, Chen Chieh-Jen, Cheng Xiaofang, Céline Condorelli, Alice Creischer, David & Elisabeth Crook, Wodzimierz Cygan, Godfried Donkor, Guo Yaoxian, Eleng Luluan, Maddalena Forcella & Santiago Borja, Jérémy Gobé, Arcana Hande, Petter Hellsing, Sheila Hicks, He Xiangyu, Hu Xiaoyuan, Hui Ganyuan, Janis Jefferies, Kimsooja, Maria Lai, Li Lei, Liang Xuefang & Ma Huirong, Liu Beili, Liu Jiajing, Liu Wei, Hew Locke, Claudia Losi, Lu Yuanjiong, Anjali Monteiro & K.P.Jayasankar, Oscar Murillo, Numen / For Use, Prabhakar Pachpute, Sudhir Patwardhan, Adelina Popnedeleva, Hans Hamid Rasmussen, Willem de Rooij, Wojciech Sadley, Ismini Samanidou & Simon Barker, Magda Sayeg, Leang Seckon, Shen Lieyi, Andreas Siekmann, Junko Suzuki, Hideho Tanaka, Lycia Danielle Trouton, Heidi Voet, Wang Zhipeng & Fu Dongting, Tali Weinberg, The Otolith Group, Pae White, Xu Jiang / Yuan Liujun.





安远远、蔡琴、克里斯汀·切辛西卡(Christine Checinska)、吉赛尔·埃伯哈德·高腾(GiselleEberhard Cotton)、高士明、郭晓彦、米哈尔·贾库拉(Michal Jachula)、杰西卡·赫敏斯(Jessica Hemmings)、詹尼斯·杰弗里斯(Janis Jeffries)、刘潇、马锋辉、萨拉·马哈拉吉(Sarat Maharaj)、阿萨杜尔·马克洛夫(Assadour Markarov )、邱志杰、萨拉·昆丁(Sarah Quinton)、单增、施慧、孙振华、格兰特·沃森(Grant Watson)、许嘉、杨振宇、殷双喜、张颂仁

Academic Committee of 2016 Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art

Directors: Xu Jiang,Fan Di’an

Office Deputy Directors: Si Shunwei,Zhao Feng

Committee Members(in alphabetical order by surname)

An Yuanyuan, Cai Qin, Chang Tsong-zung, Christine Checinska, Giselle Eberhard Cotton, Gao Shiming,Guo Xiaoyan, Jessica Hemmings, Michal Jachula, Janis Jeffries, Liu Xiao, MaFenghui, QiuZhijie, Sarat Maharaj, Assadour Markarov, Sarah Quinton, Grant Watson, Shan Zeng, Shi Hui, Sun Zhenhua,Xu Jia, Yin Shuangxi,Yang Zhenyu

2016 第二届 


2016.08.25 — 10.25





